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Hami - Guangyuan first coal train!

Sichuan Economic Network Guangyuan news (Chen Xi reporter Hou Dongwen/picture) On September 28, the first "Xinjiang coal into Sichuan" coal freight train from Hami, Xinjiang to Guangyuan, Sichuan successfully arrived at Guangyuan Zhaohua Station.

The train was issued by Xinjiang Hami New Hengshun Transportation Logistics Group, passing through Xining in Qinghai Province and Lanzhou in Gansu Province, traveling nearly 3,000 kilometers in four days, and finally arrived at Guangyuan, and the railway freight yard of Guangyuan Hydropower Fifth Bureau for warehousing and blending. It is reported that more than 3,000 tons of coal transported by the train will be mainly used to ensure the supply of power coal in the Chengdu-Chongqing area.

The first "Xinjiang coal into Sichuan" coal freight train arrived at Guangyuan Zhaohua Station

According to reports, the successful opening of this train has further unimpeded the coal logistics channel from Hami to Guangyuan in Xinjiang, effectively enhanced Guangyuan's strategic position in the north-to-east bridgehead of Sichuan and the industrial chain supply chain of Chengdu-Chongqing region, and provided strong support for building an energy security base in Chengdu-Chongqing region and a coal transfer storage and distribution center in the west.

On April 7 this year, a party and government delegation from Xinjiang visited Sichuan and signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation between the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the People's Government of Sichuan Province, which clarified the direction and focus for promoting the coordinated development of Xinjiang and Sichuan and deepening the strategic cooperation between Hami and Guangyuan. Shortly thereafter, the Guangyuan Party and government delegation went to Hami City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to study, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hami to further deepen the organization and transportation, distribution, warehousing, distribution and processing trade cooperation of iron goods such as coal, aluminum ingots, and characteristic agricultural and sideline products, and to build a "Xinjiang coal into Sichuan" and "Sichuan goods into Xinjiang" public iron-water combined transport channel. At the same time, Guangyuan International Railway Port Construction and Development Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Xinjiang Hami New Hengshun Transportation Logistics Group to promote cooperation between the two sides in the construction of "Xinjiang coal into Sichuan" channel construction, trade coordination and other fields.

In the next step, Guangyuan will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of "Sichuan for Xinjiang" and "Xinjiang for Sichuan" domestic train operation based on its location advantages and mature material distribution industry chain, further promote the economic and trade exchanges between Xinjiang and Sichuan, and help the construction of Sichuan and Xinjiang economic cooperation pilot zone.

Article Source:China National Coal Association