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Marching China - Shanxi | Sci-fi into reality Coal breakthrough sodium electricity

As early as 1870, the French science fiction novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea had put forward the idea of sodium-ion batteries - the Nautilus was powered by secondary batteries made of sodium and mercury, which could be constantly extracted from the sea.

“And now, at China Sodium Core Energy, science fiction has become technology.” Recently, the people's network “marching China” theme research and interview team into the Huayang Group subsidiary China sodium core energy, explaining the staff Shen Yiran introduction, the company has taken the lead in the realization of sodium-ion battery products on a large scale production and application.

Huayang Group, formerly known as Yangquan Mining Bureau, was founded in January 1950, and was restructured into Yang Coal Group in February 1998, which is a traditional coal enterprise with more than 70 years of development history.

The characteristics of China's energy resource endowment determines that we must persist in taking the road of clean and efficient utilization of coal for a long time. In the country's proven fossil energy resources reserves, coal accounts for about 94%, is a stable economy, the strongest independent guarantee ability of energy.

Under the dual-carbon target, how can black coal realize green development?

Yangquan High-tech Industrial Development Zone。

Focusing on “specialization, specialization and innovation” and opening up the whole chain of “sample-product-commodity”, Huayang Group has a clear goal----to do better in the “niche field” of new energy and new material industry chain. -In the new energy and new materials industry chain “niche areas” to do fine and excellent.

“Sodium-ion battery is a kind of rocking chair battery (rechargeable battery), mainly relying on sodium ions moving between the positive and negative electrodes to work.” Sodium core energy chairman Jin Shenglong introduced, among them, amorphous carbon in the hard carbon is considered to have the potential of sodium-ion battery anode material, and Huayang Group has a wealth of anthracite coal.

Based on resource endowment, to create new advantages in development. 2019, Huayang Group will focus on sodium ion battery, join hands with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to layout sodium ion battery related industries.

In the Shanxi Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone, the 1MWh sodium ion battery energy storage system was put into operation; the 1,000-ton sodium ion battery cathode and anode materials project was put into operation, and it took the lead in realizing the mass production of the core cathode and anode materials for sodium ion batteries....... From the establishment of the project to the completion of the production line, the commissioning of the production line, and the commissioning of the production line, Huayang Group has become China's first company to completely build a complete production line from the material to the core and to the Pack, integration and application of sodium-ion battery industry chain.

Good science and technology needs good application, and the supporting role of science and technology can be realized only if it can be used well and effectively at the critical moment.

Roller pressing process。

Feeding pulp, coating, roller pressure slitting, winding assembly, shell welding, injection liquefaction, capacitance testing ...... In the production workshop of China Sodium Core Energy, with a series of processes advancing, a square sodium-ion electric core “off the line”.

Winding and Unwinding Logistics Line。

“High safety, wide temperature zone, long life, in the conditions of minus 20 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius, sodium-ion battery charging and discharging efficiency is still maintained at more than 90%.” Jin Shenglong introduced, compared with lithium, sodium element in China's rich reserves, widely distributed, can effectively guarantee energy security.

Sodium ion cylindrical steel shell Electric Core。

Sodium-ion battery energy storage system, emergency power supply, electric bicycles, underground trackless rubber-wheeled vehicles ...... made of anthracite coal to make carbon-based anode materials, the construction of the sodium-ion battery industry chain, Huayang Group has realized a new leap from coal as a fuel to coal as a new material for energy storage and then to energy storage products.

Article Source:People's Daily Online-Shanxi Channel